Schornbach (pursue)

Here some old views of Schornbach

The restaurant Lamm ("Lamb") and the town hall place at the beginning of the 1960s and today

Lamm 9 kb Lamm 9 kb

The town hall, in former times also the school, at the beginning of the 1960s

Rathaus 9 kb

The grocery, that my father bought (our house), at the beginning of the 1960s and today

Laden 12 kbLaden 14 kb

Another view of this house

Laden 12 kbLaden 14 kb

The Sommerrain-Basic-School in the 1970s

Grundschule 20 kb

At the upper stream of the Schornbach, at the bridge at Diemweg, near the old gymnasium, there is this strange stone with "Auf Wiedersehn" ("Goodbye") on it. What could its meaning be? A memorial of a meeting? Or of a dead person or a beloved animal?

Wiedersehn 20 kb

Map of Schornbach at1975, a short time after the forced incorporation, with the old street names. 1975 Schornbach had already 1400 inhabitants.

Schornbach75 25 kb

Here the development of the number of inhabitants from 1774 until today. In hundred years, from 1851 to 1950, it was almost constant, then there was a strong increase:

1774 421

1815 571

1851 735

1871 696

1880 662

1890 691

1900 615

1909 722

1925 721

1939 623

1950 877

1961 1062

1970 1415

1980 1700

1999 1901

2006 1863

Here the development graphical:

Einwohnerzahl 38 kb

Schornbach - erste Seite
